Sewage treatment plays an important role in grit classifier maintaining the health and cleanliness of our communities. Sewage, the dirty water that leaves our homes, schools, and businesses, Wastewater is the dirty water that has to be treated before being released back into nature. When not treated, it can lead to various issues. BOEEP is a manufacturing company for sewage treatment facilities. These centres are doing a fantastic job of ensuring our community is safe and our environment is clean.
Join us on a fun and exciting tour of a modern BOEEP sewage sludge press treatment facility! To start, the waste water which is formed in homes and businesses is filtered to remove larger items, such as large rocks or sticks.
BOEEP is making use of specific and advanced techniques sludge filter press which help in controlling pollution and enabling the environment to become safer for all. One such method is the Membrane Bioreactor, MBR treatment. It uses two methods for treating water: biological digestion, where minuscule living things also consume waste, and filtering, a method to further clean the water. This new technology can generate freshwater at a much faster rate compared to traditional ways.
A sewage treatment facility has an important function to do in environmental protection. Without proper treatment, sewage can contaminate our water and soil, which can be dangerous to the plants and animals who thrive in those environments.
BOEEP is always endeavoured to seeking for new ideas and technologies for sewage treatment. One new, (hopefully) exciting idea is the Anaerobic Bio-Reactor (ABR). With this technology, waste will be and converted to biogas.