Sewage is the dirty water that flows below ground, into the sink when we wash our dishes, take a shower, or flush the toilet. It’s something we all make every day, but have you ever stopped to consider what happens to it once it goes down the drain? When sewage isn't cleaned properly, it can be a serious risk to our rivers, lakes, birds and to human beings like you and me. So, why is sewage worth cleaning up and how do we do it using Wastewater Evaporation Equipment?
Untreated sewage, when it enters our rivers and lakes, can also harm fish and other animals that live there. The dangerous germs and chemicals can sicken them or even kill them. It can disrupt the force of nature that is so crucial in the living world. If fish get sick, it can impact the animals that consume them, which can harm the entire food chain. And this is why preventing sewage from ever reaching our waterways is so crucial.
Through prevention and eco-system approach, just like BOEEP or Wastewater Treatment Plant, we separate dirt, sewage, and waste before pouring it back to the nature in order to ensure that we are safe and that nature is safe as well. They have plants that treat dirty water and clean it up. They all have different steps to remove harmful germs, viruses and chemicals from the water.
First, these plants mechanically filter large pieces of garbage, such as rocks, twigs and other debris, that can get into the sewage. This is a vital first step, as it makes the water easier to clean. Then they use beneficial bacteria to digest the harmful pathogens and decompose the rubbish. To eliminate these toxins, biological treatment is essential. Said chemicals to eliminate any remaining nasty substances in the water, making it ready to be returned to the environment.
BOEEP uses another technology under which anaerobic digestion is performed. This process is notable because it digests food scraps and other organic waste in the sewage without needing oxygen to do so. Rather than simply disposing of this waste, it transforms it into biogas, a renewable energy source that can be used to generate electricity. We are converting waste into something useful, which enhances the cleaning process and is even better for the environment.
At BOEEP, sewage undergoes several crucial processes before being safely returned to nature. First, large debris such as rocks and sticks is removed to make for easier water treatment. The sewage is then blended with beneficial bacteria that digest organic material and waste. This is an important step in the cleaning process, as such bacteria are natural cleaners.
There, the sewage is pressed through membrane filtration, which cleans up any remaining particles, making the water significantly cleaner. The water is then treated with chemicals like chlorine to destroy remaining harmful bacteria or viruses. It's a critical step because we want to ensure the water is fully safe before being discharged. The remaining clean water is released into the environment, where it can support life in rivers and lakes again.