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Screw expeller

Have you ever wondered how we obtain oil from seeds? Sound simple, right Except that it is much trickier than it sounds and the process requires a process معدات مساعدة machine called screw expeller. A screw expeller being one of the most important tools in pressing oil from seeds. This process of extracting oil from the seeds is known as oil extraction. It has a huge hand in how many of the foods, cosmetics and products we consume daily are made

Maximizing Yield with Screw Expeller Technology

In fact, screw expeller machines allow us to extract more oil from the seeds than might otherwise be possible. Machines that use technical experimentations dating back decades to improve oil refinement and extraction. It is interesting to note how the screw expeller functions. It squeezes the seeds against a cylinder using an auger. The pressure generated by the مجفف الصحافة المسمار compresses the seeds and allows us to extract more oil from them

Why choose BOEEP Screw expeller?

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